Thursday, April 25, 2013

SafariNow Map

South Africa

Wednesday, April 24, 2013 ideas

Here's a flyer type advert I put together with SafariNow in mind. Still very much in the beginning stages, but heading in a direction at least. It's a mash-up of some old doodles and a few just for Safari. Will post on this subject again in the near future. Right now it's Metallica!

Rob Vember's Mash lab Design challenge

We need YOU!!!!!! to design the front cover single for the iTunes store!

Best design goes down in history as the official front cover for the first ever Mashlab with aKING and Boitumelo Tumi Molekane

You have 48 hours.... GO!


1) It should be 1200 x 1200 pixels
2) It must have a 5FM logo
3) It must say Mash Lab somewhere
4) The song title is Break Away
5) The artists are : Aking and Jon Savage (feat. Tumi Molekane)
6) It must super freaking cool!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Faces of Cape Town #1

Nazleem, Parow


This is Nomi, Today is her birthday
She lives in Phillippolis... That's somewhere between the Karoo and the Koringland..
Turn your head to the right and squint a little..

Nomi spends a lot of time thinking... and hopes to be a novelist someday, not the cheesy Gregory Davis type... the voice of a generation Tolstoy sort...
Happy Birthday Nomi!
If you want to know more about Philloplis visit http;//

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This is Gwen
She got wet and multiplied like a mogwai..
Now her life is controlled by her little Vicky
Don't feed her after midnight Gwenix! Not even if she makes this face...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Black Friday

On black friday we went to town. First we drove on Clarence Drive. The prettiest place to get car sick in the whole world... This is the long and winding road if ever you were curious.
Then we stopped at Wimpy for brunch. I had lamb chops and Greek salad. It was freaking delicious! Did anybody know that wimpy made non-breakfast food and that it rocked your world? Did you?!
Seriously though. It was fantastic!

Later we went o the mall, braving the crowds to pay clothing accounts. I call bull-poo though. How does my ability to pay off a Shirley Bassey CD make me eligible to buy a car or a house??? Non-sense poopy-pants!

Anyway, everybody was wearing black, except those people who had to wear a uniform... Everybody, except one lady who was dressed all in white. This is her...
She must have felt like a giant box when she remembered about the black Friday campaign . .

Happy Vaughan Day!

This is Vaughan...
This is Vaughan with stubble...
Both are 1977 Editions
Today is his birthday! ... but Vaughan needs presents. So far he got some alcohol, a sunny day, some num nums and this post...
In honor of Vaughan Day, give a Vaughan near you some loving, and stuff... everybody likes stuff :)

Happy Birthday Vaughan!